Basic Curriculum Vitae


Personal data:

Full name:           Johannes Andersen

Born:                   August 29, 1943, in Skive, Denmark.

Citizenship:         Danish

Languages:          Danish, English, French, German; some Spanish, rudiments of Russian.

Home page:



Mag. scient. (astronomy), Copenhagen University (CU), 1969.

Dr. scient., CU, 1991: Accurate Physical Properties of Normal Stars: Determination and Applications.


Employment and long-term visits:

Research Fellowship at Copenhagen University Observatory (CUO), 1969-72.

Study and research visit, Observatoire de Marseille, France, 1970-71.

Study and research visit, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Canada, 1971-72.

Assistant Professor at CU, 1972-74; Associate Professor 1974-.

Director of CUO, 1984-86 and 1992; Deputy Director 1978-82 and 1993-95.

Visiting Scientist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, & Associate, Harvard College Observa­tory, 1986-9.

Chercheur Associé, Observatoire de Paris - Meudon/CNRS, France, September-December 2000

Director, Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association, 2002-2012.


Professional memberships:

International Astronomical Union, European Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society (UK), American Astronomical Society, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Danish Physical Society, Euroscience.


Professional distinctions:

Gold Medal, CU, 1969: Astrometric and Photometric Field Corrections of the Brorfelde Schmidt Telescope.

Minor planet (9300) “Johannes”.


Research community service:

Member, Board (Chair 2005-) and Executive Committee, ERA-NET ‘ASTRONET, 2005-2009.

Member, Board (Chair 2005), Executive Committee, and Telescope Directors’ Forum, Integrated Infra­structure Initiative ‘OPTICON’, 2004-12.

Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Faculty of Geosciences, Geography, & Astronomy, Univ. of Vienna, 2005-2009.

Member, Danish Astronomy Committee, 2002 - (Chair 2005 -).

General Secretary, International Astronomical Union (IAU) 1997-2000; Assistant General Secretary 1994-7; member, Executive Committee 1994-2003.

Observer, United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (representing IAU), 1997-2003.

Member, Bureau, Committee for Space Research (COSPAR), 1998-2002; of Council 1997-2000.

Member, Scientific-Technical Committee of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) 1993-97; Chair 1993-95.

Chair, Danish Board for Astronomical Research (Astronomisk Udvalg, SNF), 1989-95; also member 1978-85.


Scientific-technical project responsibilities:

Project Scientist, 48-inch Telescope Project, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1988-89.

Project responsible, Large-Format CCD Development Project, CUO, 1991-93.

Director, Ground Based Astronomical Instrument Centre (IJAF), SNF (21 MDKK grant), 1996-2003.

Consultant to the LAMOST Project, National Astronomical Observatory of China, 2003-.

Member, ESO Working Group on Political Issues Connected with the Choice of Site for an ELT, 2006.


Current main areas of research:

Nucleosynthesis in the first stars in the galaxy, using the ESO Very Large Telescope.

Chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galactic disk from studies of nearby F and G dwarf stars.

Ground-based studies of candidate host stars of transiting exoplanets discovered by the Kepler mission.


Publications, teaching:

344 papers to date, p.t. with ~6,500 citations.


Updated: March 9, 2009