Conferences attended
Aleksandra Borysow, Michal Findeisen and Teresa Grycuk,
"Light Scattering Spectroscopy of van der Waals Dimers in Hg Vapour and
Hg - Kr Mixture", presented at EKON - 80,
IX Conference on Quantum Electronics and Nonlinear Optics in Poznan
- Poland, 23 - 26 April 1980.
Aleksandra Borysow, Michal Findeisen, Teresa Grycuk and Wlodzimierz Komar,
"Collision Induced Scattering of Light in Mercury Vapour:
Some Experimental and Theoretical Results", Proceedings from
International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, 1981, editor B. Wende,
Walter de Grutyer, p. 1027 - 1032.
Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold, "Infrared Collision Induced Absorption
and Dimer Features in Titan's Atmosphere", presented at The
Joint Spring Meeting of the Texas Section
of APS, at Rice University, Houston, Texas 8 - 9 March 1985.
Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold, "Infrared Collision Induced
Absorption and Dimer Features in Titan's
Atmosphere", presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the
Division of Electron and Atomic Physics in Norman, Oklahoma; 29 - 31 May 1985.
Lothar Frommhold, Aleksandra Borysow,
Massimo Moraldi, Wilfried Meyer and George Birnbaum, "Far Infrared Absorption
in H2, and in Mixtures of H2 with He, N2,
CH4, Ar Induced by Binary Collisions", Fourteenth International
Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions,
24 - 20 July, 1985.
Lothar Frommhold and Aleksandra Borysow, "Rototranslational Collision
Induced Spectra for Titan's Atmosphere", Joint Spring Meeting of the
Texas Section of the American Physics Society, Texas Section of the AAPT,
and Society of Physics Students, Zone 10, at University of Texas at
Dallas, Richardson, TX., April 4-5, 1986.
Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold, "Rototranslational Collision
Induced Spectra for Titan's Atmosphere", Eight International Conference on
Spectral Line Shapes, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 9-13, 1986.
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings,
"Spectral Line Shapes", Vol. 4, editor R.J. Exton,
A. Deepak Publishing, USA, p.391-392, 1987.
Paulo Dore, A. Filabozzi and Aleksandra Borysow, "Far Infrared Absorption
in Gaseous Mixtures of Non Polar Molecules", The 11th International IEEE
Conference on Infrared and Milimeter Waves, Pisa, Italy, 20-24 October 1986;
published in Conference Digest, pg. 645 - 647.
- Massimo Moraldi and Aleksandra Borysow,
"The Role of Molecular Collisions in Depolarized
Rayleigh Lines in Hydrogen at Low Temperatures", NATO A.S.I., School "Collision
theory for atoms and molecules", Cortona, Italy, 13-26 September 1987.
Massimo Moraldi, Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold,
"Depolarized Rayleigh Scattering
in Para- and Normal Hydrogen", Eleventh International Conference on Atomic
Physics (ICAP XI), Paris, France, July 4 - 8, 1988.
Massimo Moraldi, Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold,
"Depolarized Rayleigh Scattering
in Para- and Normal Hydrogen", IX International Conference on Spectral
Line Shapes, Torun, Poland, 25-30 July 1988.
Aleksandra Borysow, Jacek Borysow, Lothar Frommhold and Massimo Moraldi,
Collision Induced Absorption by non Polar Gases and Mixtures",
IX International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Torun, Poland, 25-30 July 1988.
Lothar Frommhold, Aleksandra Borysow and Wilfried Meyer,
"Collision-Induced Rotovibrational
Absorption Bands of Pairs of Nonpolar Molecules from First Principles",
IX International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Torun, Poland, 25-30 July 1988.
Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold, "The Collision Induced Rotovibrational
Absorption Bands of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at Temperatures
from 18 to 7,000 K", presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the
Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society,
Austin, Texas, October 31 - November 3, 1988.
Aleksandra Borysow and Lothar Frommhold, "Collision Induced Rotovibrational
Absorption Bands of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures", presented
at the 21th Annual Meeting of the
Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society,
Providence, Rhode Island, October 31 - November 3, 1989. Bull. AAS, vol.
21, no. 3, p. 947, 1989.
Aleksandra Borysow, Lothar Frommhold and Wilfried Meyer,
"The Collision Induced Rotovibrational Absorption
Bands of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures - New Results",
10-th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, June 25-29, 1990,
Austin, TX. Published in AIP Conference Proceedings No. 216,
"Spectral Line Shapes", Vol.6, ed. L. Frommhold and J. Keto,
AIP - New York 1990, p. 487.
Aleksandra Borysow and George Birnbaum, "On the Problem of the Model
Lineshapes in Collision-Induced Roto-translational bands",
10-th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, June 25-29, 1990,
Austin, TX. Published in AIP Conference Proceedings No. 216,
"Spectral Line Shapes", Vol.6, ed. L. Frommhold and J. Keto,
AIP - New York 1990, p. 489.
U. Bafile, L. Ulivi, M. Zoppi, F. Barocchi, M. Moraldi
and A. Borysow, "Depolarized Light Scattering Spectrum of Gaseous
Hydrogen at 50K. The Two Body Spectrum",
10-th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, June 25-29, 1990,
Austin, TX.
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings No. 216,
"Spectral Line Shapes", Vol. 6, ed. L. Frommhold and J. Keto,
AIP - New York 1990, p. 507.
Aleksandra Borysow, "Computational Model of the Collision Induced
Absorption Spectra of Hydrogen Pairs in the Fundamental Band",
22nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences
of the AAS, 22-26 Oct. 1990, Charlottesville, VA.;
Bull. of AAS, vol.22, No. 3 1990, page 1033.
Aleksandra Borysow and Massimo Moraldi, "Rototranslational Raman Light
Scattering in Gaseous Hydrogen - Revisited", XVII ICPEAC,
Brisbane, Australia, 10-16 July 1991.
Aleksandra Borysow, "Computational Model of the Collision-Induced Absorption
Spectra of the H2-He Pairs in the Fundamental Band - an update",
23rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences, Palo Alto, 3-5
Nov. 1991; Bull. of AAS, vol. 23, No. 3, 1991, page 1133.
Aleksandra Borysow and Massimo Moraldi,
"Effects of anisotropic interaction on collision induced absorption
by pairs of linear molecules: CO_2 and N_2 case",
XI International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Marseille,
France, 8 June 1992. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993.
Aleksandra Borysow and Massimo Moraldi, "The role of the anisotropic interaction
in H_2 Raman spectra",
XI International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Marseille,
France, 8 June 1992. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993.
Aleksandra Borysow, Lothar Frommhold and Wilfried Meyer,
``Collision-Induced absorption
in the H_2 overtone band from first principles",
XI International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Marseille,
France, 8 June 1992. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993.
Aleksandra Borysow, Lothar Frommhold and Wilfried Meyer,
"Collision Induced Absorption Spectra in the H_2 First Overtone Band",
Second International Planetary Science Conference, Division of
Planetary Sciences of the AAS,
24th Meeting; Munich, Germany, Oct. 12--16, 1992, Bull. of AAS,
vol. 24, No. 3, p. 1040, (1992).
Aleksandra Borysow,
"Pressure Induced Molecular Absorption in Stellar Atmospheres",
invited talk at the
"Molecules in Stellar Environment", IAU Colloqium 146, 22-29 May, 1993,
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen. Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer
Verlag, p. 209-222, 1994.
Aleksandra Borysow,
``Collision Induced Light Scattering and Raman Spectra of Hydrogen'',
invited talk, published
in: "Induced Spectroscopy: Advances and Applications",
Kluver, G. Tabisz, editor,
"NATO Advanced Research Workshops Series", 1st edition, 1995,
p. 395-406.
Aleksandra Borysow,
``Collision Induced Molecular Absorption in Stellar Atmospheres'',
invited talk, published in
"Induced Spectroscopy: Advances and Applications",
Kluver, G. Tabisz, editor,
"NATO Advanced Research Workshops Series", 1st edition,
p. 529-539, 1995.
Aleksandra Borysow and Chunmei Tang;
``Collision Induced Absorption of N_2-CH_4 for Modeling Titan's Atmosphere'',
25th Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the
American Astronomical Society,
Boulder, Colorado, October 18--22, 1993. Bull. of AAS, vol. 25, no. 3, 1993, p. 1101.
Robert E. Samuelson, George Birnbaum, Aleksandra Borysow, Nitya Nath;
``The H_2 para fraction in Titan's atmosphere",
25th Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the
American Astronomical Society,
Boulder, Colorado, October 18--22, 1993. Bull. of AAS,
vol. 25, no. 3, 1993, p. 1100.
Chunguang Zheng and Aleksandra Borysow,
"Rototranslational CIA spectra of H_2-H_2
at temperatures between 600 and 7,000~{K}",
XII International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Toronto, Canada, June 1994.
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 328: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol.8,
eds. A.D. May, J. R. Drummond and E. Oks, AIP Press, New York,
p. 221, 1994.
Marcin Gruszka and Aleksandra Borysow,
Spectral Moments of Collision Induced Absorption of CO_2 and N_2 pairs",
XII International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Toronto,
Canada, June 1994.
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 328: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol.8,
eds. A.D. May, J. R. Drummond and E. Oks, AIP Press, New York,
p. 227, 1994.
Massimo Moraldi and Aleksandra Borysow,
"Spectral moments for the absorption
coefficient of CO_2-Ar pairs", XII International Conference on
Line Shapes, Toronto, Canada, June 1994.
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 328: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol.8,
eds. A.D. May, J. R. Drummond and E. Oks, AIP Press, New York,
p. 237, 1994.
Aleksandra Borysow and Chunguang Zheng,
"Modeling of Collision--Induced Absorption Spectra of
H_2-H_2 Pairs in the First Overtone Band",
DPS, Washington, DC, October 1994.
Bull. of AAS, vol. 26, no. 3, p. 1102, (1994).
Aleksandra Borysow and Marcin Gruszka,
"Collision induced absorption in CO_2 pairs for Venus
atmosphere", 27th DPS AAS Meeting, Hawaii, Oct. 9-13, 1995;
Bull. of AAS, vol. 27, p. 1078, (1995).
Aleksandra Borysow and Uffe G. Jorgensen
``Opacities for Carbon Dwarfs and M Dwarfs",
IAU Symposium 177, "The Carbon Star Phenomenon",
Antalya, Turkey, May 27-31, 1996, to appear in 1998.
Aleksandra Borysow and Uffe G. Jorgensen,
"The Impact of Collision Induced Absorption on Atmospheric
Opacities of Cool Carbon and Oxygen Rich Stars"
IAU Symposium 178, "Molecules in Astrophysics:
Probes & Processes", Leiden, The Netherlands, July 1-5, 1996.
Aleksandra Borysow, Yi Fu and Massimo Moraldi,
"The Wings of the Rototranslational Raman Spectrum of
Nitrogen at Low Density",
The 13th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Firenze, Italy, June 16-21, 1996;
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 386: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol. 9,
eds. M. Zoppi and L. Ulivi, AIP Press, New York, 1997, pages
Chunguang Zheng, Yi Fu and Aleksandra Borysow,
"First Quantum Mechanical Computations
of Collision-induced Absorption Spectra of H_2 Pairs
in the Second Overtone Band",
The 13th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Firenze, Italy, June 16-21, 1996;
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 386: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol. 9,
eds. M. Zoppi and L. Ulivi, AIP Press, New York, 1997, pages
Marcin Gruszka and Aleksandra Borysow,
"Improved Analysis of the Spectral Moments of Collision Induced
Absorption in N_2 and CO_2 Gases",
The 13th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Firenze, Italy, June 16-21, 1996;
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 386: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol. 9,
eds. M. Zoppi and L. Ulivi, AIP Press, New York, 1997, pages
Marcin Gruszka and Aleksandra Borysow
"MD Simulations of the RT CIA for the Atmosphere of Venus",
The 13th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
Firenze, Italy, June 16-21, 1996;
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 386: Spectral Line Shapes", Vol. 9,
eds. M. Zoppi and L. Ulivi, AIP Press, New York, 1997, pages
Yi Fu and Aleksandra Borysow,
``Modeling of Collision-induced Absorption Spectra of H_2-H_2
Pairs for the Planetary Atmospheres Structure: The Second Overtone
Band", 29th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences
of American Astronomical Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July
28-August 1, 1997. Bull. of the AAS, vol. 29, p. 995 (1997).
"The Dwarf Carbon Star Phenomenon", Uffe G. Jorgensen,
Aleksandra Borysow, and Susanne Hoefner,
1997 Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, August
13-16, 1997, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Proceeddings published in
Astronomical Society of Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 138, 1998, K. L. Chan,
K. S. Cheng, H. P. Singh (eds,),
"1997 Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics", pp.
"Dwarf Carbon Star Model Atmospheres and Synthetic Spectra",
Uffe G. J{o}rgensen, Aleksandra Borysow, Susanne Hoefner and Robert F. Wing,
poster presented at the Joint Discussion on Low Luminocity Stars, 23rd
IAU General Assembly Kyoto, Japan, August 1997.
To appear in "Highlights of Astronomy", IAU GAXXIII, 1998.
Claude Brodbeck, Jean-Pierre Bouanich, Nguyen-van-Tanh, Yi Fu
and Aleksandra Borysow,
``Collision induced absorption by H_2 pairs in the second overtone band at 298
and 77.5~K: Comparison between experimental and theoretical results",
Symposium on "The Jovian system after Galileo. The Saturnian system
before Cassini-Huygens".
Nantes (France), Cite des Congres, May 11-15, 1998.
To be published as:
C. Brodbeck, J.-P. Bouanich, Nguyen-van-Thanh, and Aleksandra Borysow,
``The binary collision-induced second overtone band of gaseous hydrogen:
Modelling and laboratory measurements",
in the special issue of Planetary and Space Sciences
(European Geophysical Union), submitted Sep. 15, 1998.
A. Borysow and U. G. Jorgensen,
"Collision -- induced absorption in dense atmospheres
of cool stars", 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
State College, Pennsylvania (USA), June 22-26, 1998.
Published in: "Spectral Line Shapes", vol. 10, 14th ICSLS, AIP Conference
Proceedings 467, R. Herman (ed.), New York, pp. 207--227, (1999).
Aleksandra Borysow, Yi Fu, Claude Brodbeck, Jean-Pierre Bouanich,
and Nguyen-van-Thanh,
``Collision-induced absorption by H2 pairs in the second overtone band:
comparison between experimental and theoretical results",
14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes,
State College, Pennsylvania (USA), June 22-26, 1998.
Published in: "Spectral Line Shapes", vol. 10, 14th ICSLS, AIP Conference
Proceedings 467, R. Herman (ed.), New York, p. 459, (1999).
Aleksandra Borysow and Uffe G. Jorgensen,
``Collision Induced absorption in M Dwarfs and Cool White Dwarfs",
Conference on: ``From Giant Planets to Cool Stars",
Flagstaff, Arizona (USA), June 8-11, 1999. Published in proceedings,
ASP Conference Series, ``From Giant Planets to Cool Stars" " ,
eds. C. Griffith and M. Marley, vol. 212, 173--180, 2000.
Aleksandra Borysow, Dominik Hammer and Uffe G. Jorgensen,
``Impact of Collision--Induced Absorption on Cool Stellar Atmospheres",
IAU Symposium 197, ``Astrochemistry: From Clouds to Planetary Systems",
Sogwipo, Cheju Island, South Korea, Aug. 23-27, 1999.
Aleksandra Borysow and Jacek Borysow,
``Semiempirical Model of Collision Induced Infrared Absorption
Spectra of H_2-H_2 Complexes in the Second Overtone
Band of Hydrogen at Temperatures from 50 to 500K",
31th Annual Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences
Padova, Italy, 11-15 October 1999. Abstract published in Bull. of the AAS,
vol. 31, No. 4, p. 1157, 1999.
C. Brodbeck, J.-P.Bouanich, Nguyen Van Tanh and Aleksandra Borysow,
``The binary collision induced first overtone band of gaseous hydrogen",
XV International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Berlin,
Germany, 8-12 July 2000.
G. Wenger, J. P. Champion, A. Borysow, U.G. Jorgensen,
``Simulation of Hot Methane Spectra", The 17th Colloquium on High
Resolution Spectroscopy, Nijmegen, 9-13 September 2001.