3.13.3. Pulling updates

To pull in updates from the development repository do::

cd dispatch/development          # working copy of private
git checkout 4public             # private branch
git pull                         # make sure it is up-to-date
git cherry-pick [ hash ]         # get the new feature
... test carefully ...           # test also that other experiments work

cd ../public                     # upstream = private
git checkout 4public             # branch connected to upstream/4public
git pull                         # pull in updates
git checkout beta                # beta branch on public
git rebase master                # sync with master on public
git cherry-pick 4public          # import feature
... test carefully ...           # test also that other experiments work
git commit --amend               # amend the commit message (cf. below!)
git push                         # push to private repository

In the amended commit message you should alert people about this new update on the `beta` branch, and invite them to try it out. Only after confirmation that there is no problem should the commit be cherry-picked over to the `master` branch on the public repository.