Using rebase

# -- at start of the day --
git checkout master                          # get master branch
git pull                                     # pull in changes from elsewhere

# -- during the day --
... edit ...                                 # a small number of edits
git commit -a -m comment                     # GIT snapshot, with only terse comment
... edit ...                                 # a small number of edits
git commit -a -m comment                     # GIT snapshot, with only terse comment

# -- merge in edits from elsewhere --
git fetch                                    # get updates from elsewhere
git rebase origin/master                     # your edits become relative to that
... may require some edits + commits ...     # in case of collisions

# -- consolidate --
git branch yy-mm-dd                          # create a backup, temporary branch
git reset origin/master                      # reset, to get all edits merged together
git add -p                                   # add _selected_, related edits
git commit -m "DBG comrehensive comment"     # possibly use 'commit -m' and an editor
git add -p                                   # add _selected_, related edits
git commit -m "ORG comrehensive comment"     # possibly use 'commit -m' and an editor
git add -p                                   # add _selected_, related edits
git commit -m "DIA comrehensive comment"     # possibly use 'commit -m' and an editor
git push                                     # push your consolidated commits
git branch -D yy-mm-dd                       # optionally, delete the temporary branch