Conserving diV(B)

The divergence of the magnetic field should remain equal to zero at all times and at all locations. This condition is a constraint on the magnetic field components passing through a cell, from which one can determine the flux through one face from the fluxes through the other five faces. This may be used to enforce div(B)=0 at the interface between two DISPATCH patches, with components centered like so:

     |        ||        |
     Bx  Bz   Bx   Bz   Bx
     |        ||        |
     |        ||        |
     Bx  Bz   Bx   Bz   Bx
     |        ||        |
     |        ||        |
     Bx  Bz   Bx   Bz   Bx
     |        ||        |
     |        ||        |
     Bx  Bz   Bx   Bz   Bx
     |        ||        |
     |        ||        |
     Bx  Bz   Bx   Bz   Bx
     |        ||        |

The double line symbolizes the patch boundary, with the Bx magnetic field component defined at the same location by two different tasks, generally at a sequence of different times

The continuity of By(x) and Bz(x) through the face is guaranteed, since any glitch would correspond to an electric current, which would generate a counter-acting force.

The continuity of Bx(x) may then be enforced by simply computing the Bx component at the interface from the other 5 known face flux values: Bx(face) = Bx(internal) - delta(By) - delta(Bz) (where the delta() has to be taken in the appropriate sense).

Initially, the values of By(z) at the upper y-edge, and the Bz(y) values at the upper z-edge are not known, but they are subsequently constructed, so after a few iterations also the edge and corner values are consistent with div(B)=0, and the whole cube, including the ghost zones around it, is divergence free (if it was to begin with).