.. _compiling: Compiling ========= Typically, you need to use a ``module`` command to get access to a compiler and MPI library. This could be, for example:: module load intel openmpi/intel To compile, go to one of the expriments/ directories, and use ``make info`` to see macro names and values that would be used in ``make``::: cd experiments/turbulence make info If the automatically selected make options shown are OK, just do::: make -j If MPI is not available, add ``MPI=`` to the make command, and if the (gfortran) compiler chosen by default is not appropriate add for example ``COMPILER=ifort``). The directory ``config/compiler/`` shows which compiler configurations are avaialable. See also the :ref:`environment` section. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 command cygwin gui option_groups options