jobcontrol.csh ============== The job script hierarchy consists of SUBMIT scripts, JOB scripts, and CANNED scripts. The SUBMIT scipts contain scheduler control commands, but other otherwise static, since they are only read at submission. The JOB scripts contain whatever the user wants, and may be changed during the runs -- e.g. before restarting a process via jobcontrol.csh. The CANNED scripts are helpful with for example archiving copies of executables, input files and log files. Submit scripts: --------------- :: ... These contains control syntax such as #PBS or #SBATCH. Since changes after submission have no effect, they call other scripts where changes do have effect. The call is via the jobcontrol.csh script, with submit script syntax such as source $HOME/codes/dispatch/config/ jobcontrol.csh The jobcontrol.csh script runs the script given as argument repeatedly, as long as there is a restart.flag file present in the run directory. Job scripts: ------------ :: long.csh short.csh These can be anything, including calls to standard scripts for local systems, with syntax such as input.nml Canned scripts: --------------- :: config/host/steno/ Since we often want to use standard ways of handling executables, input files, and log file, we keep a number of canned scripts, such as, which places a copy of the excutable, the input file, and the log file, in the data/run/ directory. The script seach path is setup by the config/ script, with directories seached in this order:: ./ config/host/$HOST/ utilities/scripts/$SCHEDULER/ utilities/scripts/ $PATH This meane one can override the default scripts by placing scripts with the same name (e.g. in the run directory. SCHEDULER is set by a file config/host/$HOST/env.{csh,sh}, if it exists, or may be set in the environment. Possible values are "pbs", "slurm", etc. The utilities/scripts/$SCHEDULER/ directories contain scheduler-i specific scripts, used e.g. by jobcontrol.csh. Some examples are:: jobid # return the id of the current job jobkill id # cancel a job jobmail # send a mail to $USER .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3