Danish Fain Object Spectrograph and Camera

Here is the ESO announcement of the instrument.

On the ESO, La Silla you can find the DFOSC-homepage from where you can go to a users manual and to verious tecnical reports.

Count rates have been measured for photometry in broad bands and in spectroscopic mode using both the 'old' Thompson CCD and the 'new' Ford-Loral thinned CCD.

Here you can see the sensitivity curves of grism3, grism4, grism5, grism6, grism7, grism8, grism9, grism10, grism11, grism12, grism13, grism14, grism15, grism16, and grism17

Notice that the configuration is still under development. For the moment a thinned Ford-Loral CCD is used. This chip should be UV-flooded in order to have the high quantum efficiency. And this seems not possible with the present chip. Thus the QE is much lower in the UV (approx. 0.15) and about 0.50 in the visual. See the ESO technical reports for further information. This 2k x 2k CCD gives a field of 13.7 x 13.7 arcmin square. One pixel correspond to 0.40".

Multi Object Spectroscopy mode will be installed at the beginning of January 1997.

Last updated June 9, 1997 by Per Kjaergaard Rasmussen