pro script1, M, a_over_M, r, th, ph, t, dr, dth, dph, dl, nl, scene_format, pointset, cr, cg, cb, coo, coo_length, horizon, auto_radius, manual_radius, hcr, hcg, hcb, transp, make_r_stat, scr, scg, scb, out_file, append=append, verbose=verbose, labelx=labelx ; Bo Milvang-Jensen ( ; For the RelViz Web exhibition, June 1996 ; Last rev.: 11-Jun-1996 default, append, 0 ; Default is not to append default, verbose, 1 ; Default is to be verbose default, labelx, 0 ; Default is not to label the x axis ; The common block "my_common" is read by my version of pde common my_common, dummy_M, dummy_a COMMON hymanc, fold, first ; Used by hyman ; Calculate a. Note: 0 <= a_over_M <= 1, therefore 0 <= a <= M a = a_over_M * M ; Check if we are outside the horizon: r_H = M+(M^2-a^2)^0.5 if (r lt r_H) then begin print, 'Error: you are inside the horizon; r = ', r, $ ', r_H = ', r_H, ', returning. return end ; Check if # steps is too large (/tmp could otherwise be filled up) if (nl gt 10000) then begin print, 'Error: you have asked for too many steps (', nl, '), returning.' return end ; Put M and a in the common block "my_common" dummy_a = a dummy_M = M set_plot, 'null' ; No plots from IDL ; set dt to some value: dt = 1.0 ; collect into fltarr(8) x = [t, r, th, ph, dt, dr, dth, dph] ; We get a null geodesic by solving ds^2=0 for dt, which yields a ; 2nd order equation: ; kerr, x(1), x(2), x(3), g, cc, a=a, M=M ; calculate metric tensor g ; ; A plain 2nd order equation solution formula: aaa = g(0,0) bbb = 2*g(0,3)*dph ccc = g(1,1)*dr^2 + g(2,2)*dth^2 + g(3,3)*dph^2 ; dt = (-bbb-sqrt(bbb^2-4*aaa*ccc))/(2*aaa) ; ds2 = g(0,0)*dt^2 + 2*g(0,3)*dt*dph + $ g(1,1)*dr^2 + g(2,2)*dth^2 + g(3,3)*dph^2 if (verbose eq 1) then begin print, 'We calculate a dt of: ', dt print, 'This gives a ds^2 of: ', ds2, ' (should be 0)' end ; collect into fltarr(8) x = [t, r, th, ph, dt, dr, dth, dph] ttt = fltarr(3,nl) ; ttt is used when calling writegeometry ; Make hyman work properly when script1 is called from call_script1 ; (not a problem when called from the CGI script, since there one gets a ; new IDL all the time) first = 0.0 ; step, and plot lambda=0. for il=0,nl-1 do begin hyman,x,lambda,dl ; ; See Schaum p. 50 x_car = x(1)*sin(x(2))*cos(x(3)) ; x = r sin(theta) cos(phi) y_car = x(1)*sin(x(2))*sin(x(3)) ; y = r sin(theta) sin(phi) z_car = x(1)*cos(x(2)) ; z = r cos(theta) ; ; Save in variable we can use afterwards: ttt(0,il) = x_car ttt(1,il) = y_car ttt(2,il) = z_car end if (scene_format eq "Inventor") then vrml=0 else $ if (scene_format eq "VRML" ) then vrml=1 else begin print, 'Error: scene_format is neither "Inventor" nor "VRML", returning.' return end writegeometry, ttt, out_file, color=[cr, cg, cb], vrml=vrml, $ pointset=pointset,append=append ; Add 3D widgets, that don't have their own script:: openw, lun, out_file, /get_lun, /append ; Add coordinate system widget if (coo eq 'on') then begin printf, lun, 'Separator {' printf, lun, ' Scale { scaleFactor ', $ coo_length, coo_length, coo_length, ' }' ; if (labelx ne 1) then begin coo_file = '/m/RelViz/WWW/milvang/Widgets_3D/coo_include' end else if (vrml eq 0) then begin coo_file = '/m/RelViz/WWW/milvang/Widgets_3D/coo_include_x_iv' end else begin coo_file = '/m/RelViz/WWW/milvang/Widgets_3D/coo_include_x_wrl' end ; spawn, 'cat '+coo_file, coo_include printf, lun, coo_include, format='(a)' ; printf, lun, '}' end ; Add horizon widget: if (horizon eq 'on') then begin if (auto_radius eq 'on') then manual_radius = r_H printf, lun, 'Separator {' printf, lun, ' Material { diffuseColor ', $ hcr, hcg, hcb, ' transparency ', transp, ' }' printf, lun, ' Sphere { radius ', manual_radius, ' }' printf, lun, '}' end ; Close file: close, lun free_lun, lun ; Add static limit / ergosphere widget: if (make_r_stat eq 'on') then begin write_r_stat, M, a, out_file, color=[scr,scg,scb], /append, nph=30, nth=15 end end