pro mf_02_an ; Bo Milvang-Jensen ( ; For the RelViz Web exhibition, June 1996 ; Last rev.: 17-Jun-1996 ; Annotate images ; Uses procedure annotation_image; see that for more info ; ---------------------- Important parameters ------------------------------ nfiles = 101 ; Number of files to annotate basename = '../Anim/02/frame' ; Ex: a basename of '../Anim/02/frame' ; means that 1st image is ; '../Anim/02/frame000.rgb' param1 = 0.0 & param2 = 1.00 ; Start and end parameter values paramtext = 'a/M=' ; Parameter annotation text xsize = 448 ; Image x size ysize = 448 ; Image y size ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmpfile = basename + '_tmp.rgb' print, "Don't worry about a single No such file or directory" spawn, '/bin/rm' + ' ' + tmpfile ; Remove tmpfile print, '' for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin q = (nfiles-1) param = param1 + i*(param2-param1)/q text = paramtext + str(param, format='(f4.2)') print, 'Annotation image using text: ', text basename_an = basename + padzero3(i) + '_an' annotation_image, basename_an, xsize, ysize, text, color=[1.0,1,0,0.0] annfile = basename + padzero3(i) + '_an.rgb' scifile = basename + padzero3(i) + '.rgb' spawn, '/bin/mv' + ' ' + scifile + ' ' + tmpfile ; Rename scifile spawn, 'add' + ' ' + tmpfile + ' ' + annfile + ' ' + scifile ; Add spawn, '/bin/rm' + ' ' + tmpfile ; Remove tmpfile spawn, '/bin/rm' + ' ' + annfile ; Remove annfile end end